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Mix Development  & Masterplan

mq. 637,864

Malaysia 2013

The master plan concept derives from the ‘BLACK PEPPER LEAVES’, one of the most significant plant, epitomizing success and prosperity in Johor. The plan has been inspired by the intention to optimize environmental sustainability. Solar analysis has determined the optimal orientation of the buildings, to maximize comfort and minimize energy consumption. Urban plan and architectural design work together in order to offer a new city typology, where dynamism, business, retail and leisure coexist with the green escape. Aim is to create the heart of a sustainable community, a new hub offering a good quality of life, dealing with physical and distressing activities. Most of the buildings have been provided with verdant inner courtyards, that as large gardens naturally ventilated and shaded, contribute to generate cool microclimates. The rounded triangular shape chosen improves dynamism, while offering different views to every single block. The form adds a sustainable value in helping the wind to flow through the entire site. Buildings footprint is minimized to reduce their physical impact on the environment: vegetation and water feature emphasize local peculiarities, providing important external evaporative cooling.A network of green corridors integrate landscape and water features, rising over the traffic as eco-bridges, linking residential areas and commercial lots to a “forested land”, that extends along the northern side, and a picturesque lake: inhabitants through these green belts, pedestrian landscaped walkways are encouraged to a healthier style of life: jogging, walking, exercising, cycling, living the car in the garage.

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